Get The Connector For 60% OFF!

Putting. Chipping. Playing from the sand. These are parts of the game we’ve been told require creativity and skill when THE TRUTH IS SIMPLE CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY. Stop getting cute around the greens and throwing away strokes.

More than 60% of the shots you hit in a given round of golf come from inside 100 yards. And at every handicap level, roughly 40% of your shots come on the greens, so why are you buying a new driver? Invest in your short game and watch your scores drop overnight!

Cut 3-5 Strokes Off Your Game

Improve Every Part Of Your
Short Game With
The Connector 

Four Game-Improvement Tools In On Training Aid!

Putt Like A Scratch Golfer

Get the feedback and feel on the greens that top coaches are trying to instill in their students. The Connector teaches you how to take the little muscles out of your stroke and make consistent contact on every putt.

VALUED AT $29.99

Master Your Chip Shots

The Connector will help you eliminate fatted and thinned chips by taking unnecessary wrist action out of your motion. It helps create more consistent contact by teaching you to use body rotation through the ball.

VALUED AT $29.99

Perfect Line & Speed Guide

The Connector can act as your green-reading baseline. This putting tool will teach you the perfect line and perfect speed for your putts. The result: a better read, a better start line and better speed to hole more putts!

VALUED AT $19.99

FREE GIFT: Putting Video Series

Gain access to an exclusive 5-part video series featuring one of the world's premier short game coaches, Stan Utley. This comprehensive series will provide you with essential insights & techniques to become a proficient putter.

VALUED AT $19.99



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